Saturday, October 31, 2009

Delta Fonsan 12v DC 0.08a 40x20mm 2-Wire Fan DFB0412M

The other day I ran across this box of computer CPU fans at my favorite thrift shop. They look new. I was able to get 52 of them for $10.25. This is kind of a gamble since I don't know if there is any demand for them. For all I know they are obsolete. I figured it was a worth while chance to take. If they are worthless, I'm only out 10 bucks. But maybe they're worth a few bucks a piece. When I got home, I checked on eBay. There's a bunch for sale for a few bucks each, but none are selling. I did a general google search. I found a lot for sale for a few bucks each. This tells me that they aren't completely obsolete, but there's not a huge demand for these. So I decided list the whole lot of 52 together for $34.00 with free shipping. this makes them about $0.65 each. Maybe someone will want them.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Stamps Sold... Soap and Book Didn't

Update: The US stamp collection I found for $1.50 sold. I'll break that down in a minute. The peter pan soap and wood cover new testament did not sell. I originally listed these for $9.00 each with free shipping. I'm going to try to get rid of these again. I relisted the soap for $6.00 with free shipping and the book for $4.00 with free shipping. If either sells, I will about break even. Lesson learned. I won't bother with these again.
Now, the stamps. This turned out to be a good find.
                        Sold -     $38.04
                -eBay Fees       $3.01
             -PayPal Fees       $1.40
 -Shipping & Handling      $5.05
   - What I Paid For It       $1.50
                = My Profit     $27.08

I found a couple of new things I'll list later this week.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Boy Scout Merit Badge Sash with 26 Badges that I first blogged about on Sept 23rd sold for $24.50!
So, let me break down what I actually get to put into my pocket as profit.
-eBay Fees       $2.14
-PayPal Fees       $1.01
-Shipping & Handling   $5.05
- What I Paid For It    $2.00
= My Profit      $14.30

I guess that isn't too bad. It'll pay for my lunch.