Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Can I Find My eBay Niche?

Like you, I've searched high and low, all over the internet to find a niche product to sell on eBay for some extra money. There are millions of websites that tell you to find a niche and corner the market. I will tell you how I found my small niche and give the best advice I can think of to find yours.
If you're like me, you've racked your brains trying to come up with that one great idea. I found mine by asking myself two questions:
  1. What am I interested in and how do I like to spend my free time?
  2. What do I have easier access to that the majority of other people don't and what is unique about the area I live in?
I had a million answers to question 1. But one thing I kind of enjoy is browsing through books on used book racks, at thrift stores, new book stores, and even the library. I don't do a whole lot of reading but I just enjoy browsing through books. It's something I do when I don't have to do anything else and it's relaxing to me.
The answer to question 2 was easier. The state I live in is known for it's high concentration of members of one faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS.
I put these two things together, the enjoyment I get out of browsing through used book stores and the fact that I have access to a large number of used LDS books. I found that there are enough people out there who want LDS books that I can make a little money while doing something I kind of liked to do anyway, thumbing through old books.
The biggest "secret" about a part time eBay business is this; chances are you're not going to make a lot of money unless you stumble on a goldmine and work very hard. I make a few hundred dollars a month part time, which is great, but I have to put in a lot of time. If I didn't enjoy searching for used books, it would have become a drag and I would have quit doing this a long time ago. The secret is this, if you don't enjoy your eBay niche, the time and effort it takes to run an eBay business will kill your motivation and you'll want out.
To find the right eBay niche for you, find something you would be involved in even if you didn't get paid.

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